Ignorance causes chaos, not Knowledge.

I've noticed the more open I am about my faith the more people unfriend/unfollow me. That's fine. Can't control that. I realize that for most of you on my friends list, I'm the only Muslim you know. Like Christianity, Islam is not a Race. Christianity originated from Arabia, just like Islam. Moses came with the … Continue reading Ignorance causes chaos, not Knowledge.

ArE YoU pLeAsEd?

ArE YoU pLeAsEd? This is a story about a young woman who gave birth to a round faced, bright-eyed boy three decades ago. The bigger the boy grew, the more mischievous he became. These small bundles of mischief are miracles of Allah (Subhânau wa Ta'âla) - we wonder in amazement how they take on risks … Continue reading ArE YoU pLeAsEd?